Consulting Pricing and Package Details

What I can do for you:

  • Analyze- Your current plans or developing ideas
  • Build- A mind map of goals and expectations for the brand/business
  • Create- A strategy to support new and existing ideas
  • Assist- By monitoring strategies implemented and make connections

How we will do this:

  1. Assessment: We will discuss your needs, goals and starting point
  2. Analyze: We will discuss gaps, and evaluate current goals
  3. Build Definition: We will define current processes and create next steps
  4. Implementation: We will set deadlines for goals and execute strategies/plans
  5. Tracking: We will track goals, adjust processes as needed and define next steps
  6. Exit: We will create an exit strategy

Our goals/agenda:

  • Brainstorm
  • Plan
  • Implement/Execute
  • Evaluate/Review/Re-focus/Exit
Consulting Package/Processes:Passion + Profit
Initial Consultation: (needs and goals)30 MinutesRe-cap outline sent to client...Pricing details and on board pkg...Invoice details provided
Consultation &
Action Plan
(mind map)
VirtualIn-personBoth structures completed in online mappingFinalize mind map
Scale & Model
Strategy SessionSet GoalsCreate the PlanExecution plan/ deadlines
(monitor, connect, exit)
Monitor Plans Review Plans of ActionEvaluate plans of action...Tweak plans of action if needed/ repeat process
Payments:Identify timeline and deadlines for payments and project completion...18% deposit & final payments outlinedOnline payments onlyFinal payment due 1 week before projected completion of sessions